Friday, August 1, 2008

Raise a Little Hell: Bank St BIA Cans Village Proposal

In the "Who'se Actually Surprised" file, the Bank Street Business Improvement Association, the overlords of Bank St as it were, have officially canned and punted any plans to establish a Gay Village in Ottawa.

While I've had my fair share of concerns about the logistics of an Ottawa Village, I have always been 110% behind the idea, and fully supported the efforts of Glenn Crawford who has lobbied tirelessly for the initiative.

So what can be done about it? Well my friends, now is the time - more than ever - to give a damn and fight. Glenn is suggesting members, friends, and supporters of the gay community in Ottawa do one of two things: 1) Contact to your Local City Counsellor and express your frustrations; and 2) Contact the Bank Street BIA at 613.232.6255 to ask why you should continue to support shops and services that don't support us.

Several people are floating the idea of a large scale protest, which may be difficult with the construction going on. Stay tuned: developments posted as they happen!

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